Lemonade & Sunshine

This is the most divine birthday party I have ever seen! Jessica, over at Pen n' Paperflowers, created this beautiful day for her two oldest daughters. The theme was lemonade & sunshine, with a lovely rustic feel and a colour palette of pink & yellow - what lucky girls! 
I wonder if Jess would pop over to New Zealand to help with our next party? With four girls in our household, she would be most popular. xxx

The brilliant Rob Ryan

I have been a huge Rob Ryan fan for a while now, and one day would love to own an original print of his - for now I will just have to settle for having one as my screen saver! 
As well as his beautifully poetic prints Rob now offers a range of homewares including decorative plates, mugs, notebooks & bunting. You can see more of Rob on his website, his etsy store, or I found his homeware range at Until.