Please and Thank You

images from the very cool Keep Calm Gallery

I just realised, yesterday was my one month blogging anniversary. So I want to say a big 
"Thank You" to those who have supported me, become my Google Friends, and Liked me on Facebook - you guys rock!

I also want to say "Please" leave me some feedback on what you're liking, and what you want to see more of. You can do this on the comments section at the bottom of each article, or by email (see the Contact Me tab at top of page), or some of you are leaving notes on my Facebook page - great stuff. xxx

Mad about Poufs

I am in love with poufs, or is it pouffes? Whichever, I want one - no definitely more than one. I guess it's just an extension of my cushion obsession. I would like one by my hanging egg chair, and several in my kids' new sitting room. You can use them as a seat, a footstool, or a side table... brilliant! Which is your favourite?

Crochet Floor Cushions from Etsy
Divine Leather Moroccan Poufs from my friends over at Ada & Darcy

Love the little pom poms on these poufs from Living at Home
Amy Butler combines my love of colour, pattern, patchwork & poufs! 

More loveliness from Amy Butler Design
Love this room from Apartment Therapy - and there's that stripey rug I want!
Gorgeous embroidered poufs from Le Souk
Beautifully chunky Urchin Poufs by Christien Meindertsma
Lucky last - click on this caption for instructions on how to knit this little beauty yourself

Unfortunately I can't knit. But if anyone can and wants to knit me a hot pink pouf following the instructions from this last photo, I'll love you forever. I'm willing to pay, just tell me your price :)

Light up my life

A friend of mine needs some inspiration for some new lighting in her flat. When I couldn't find quite what I wanted I created my own. We bought two plain white drum lights from Lighting Direct and I lined them with some gorgeous Designers Guild wallpaper that I bought from Small Acorns. When the light is on the pattern shines through - I love them!

Here are a few more clever DIY lighting ideas... (click on their caption to be linked to instructions).
Scraggy Lampshade

Tutu lampshade

Paint your old chandelier for a new look, or try using your leftover fabric