Something a little bit different today. I came across these bird shoes by Kobi Levi and was simply captivated - I think they are so clever! Can you pick the birds they represent? A mallard duck, a swan, and a toucan. Like a lot of women, I am slightly obsessed with shoes. And I love things that are a little bit different and edgy. I would wear these - especially loving the ducks.
I recently discovered Porcelain Rove, and have fallen in love with their beautiful doily cups. Jamie Young, the Auckland artist behind Porcelain Rove, casts them from disposable coffee cups, giving them a handmade appeal, so every piece is totally unique. As well as the gorgeous cups, Jamie makes vases and cupcake makers.
You can read more about Jamie on her blog, or purchase her pieces from Foxes and Toggle. But a head's up... Cush & Nooks is expanding, and I will be opening my own online shop in the near future. So you should be able to buy your very own Porcelain Rove piece from me soon. I will keep you posted on the progress.
My gorgeous sister was showing me some photos that her photographer friend, Eva Bradley, took recently. They were of her and her daughter, and were just spur of the moment after Eva had finished another shoot. I have just been looking at Eva's website and picked out some of my favourite photos of hers to share with you - isn't she clever?!