Lilly Pulitzer Furniture - part one

I discovered Lilly Pulitzer in a round-about way. I was watching Cougar Town, season 1, 
(so funny!) and fell in love with Courtenay Cox's sunglasses. I googled "Courtenay Cox, sunglasses, season 1, episode 3" and guess what, I wasn't the only one who loved them. Somebody else pointed me in the right direction - they are Lilly Pulitzer sunglasses. I bought them, and since then I am always checking out the L.P. range - so gorgeous. I'm so excited as they have a new furniture collection arriving soon. What do you think...? I wonder if they could ship a container of it to me here in New Zealand?!

If you come back tomorrow I will show you some of my favourite individual pieces.
PS: these are the sunnies...

Alphabet Bunting

Today I've got something for you from another one of my talented friends. Renee often has a few projects on the go at once, as well as looking after her gorgeous one year old son. 
Her latest project is creating these amazing Alphabet Buntings - isn't she clever! If you would like Renee to make you one, drop her an email with your name or word. I'm sure she would be happy to discuss colour combinations or answer any questions you may have. 
Each design includes a satin gift bag, ribbon and mini pegs.

For all my lovely friends from outside of New Zealand, Aroha means Love in Maori

En Gry & Sif

I hope you've all had a wonderful Easter. I'm sure you've been bombarded with Easter images if you've been online and reading blogs. Sorry, but I couldn't resist these gorgeous images from En Gry & Sif - a Danish design company which creates these fabulous felt products.
I heart Scandinavian design!