Dressing your Walls

I had an enquiry from one of my lovely Facebook friends recently. She wanted me to help her with some cost-effective ideas for decorating her walls. I know that, over time, I have posted quite a few inspirational photos to my Facebook page that could help her, so I have decided to put a whole bunch of them together into one post. This way it should be easier for her, and anyone else interested, to be inspired and hopefully find something just perfect. All photos come from my Facebook page, which has the appropriate credits.

Magazines usually have beautiful covers - make a feature of them on your wall

A collection of colourful plates can look quite stunning grouped together

Something as simple as a couple of vintage keys on a nail can look amazing

A picture wall always looks cool - I love using kids' art, cards, and favourite prints

Hooks are not only practical, but can work as a feature if you hang attractive bags, scarves, coats etc.
The ones on the right are vintage shoe forms - brilliant!

I love this art piece created by a collection of old board games & dart boards

Write your favourite lyrics or quote using washi tape, or get creative
- this old bed frame has been turned into a way to display photos and post cards

One of my favourite ideas - attach baskets to the wall as a form of shelving

There is a bit of an art to grouping photos & cards together,
but if you can nail it (not literally), it can look fantastic

Think outside the square - turn old racquets into mirrors

A collection of colourful pictures printed out and layered looks gorgeous

Wallpaper samples and off-cuts can also look lovely when layered over one another

Group small images - on the left is snippets of children's art,
and on the right a collection of beautiful skies makes a stunning piece of art

Another example of a successful grouping

I love this simple wall shelf with various frames and letters layered

Easter Joy

All is well here - two little seven year olds are very content with a cup of warm Milo and an Easter egg. Their big sis has gone to an Easter party, and as they were feeling very hard done by, I staged a mini Easter egg hunt for the twins. Today also marks the start of the school holidays, and if any of you are especially creative, here are a few gorgeous Easter decorations you could try...

Doodle eggs - blow out the yolk and doodle to your hearts content with a black sharpie

These ones have a coat of acrylic paint and then doodles drawn on with a white out pen

A biro pen is used for these feathers, and simple lettering again with a sharpie

More fabulous ideas

Patterns using acrylic paint in pinks & yellows look so pretty

These little beauties are neon dip-dyed eggs, click here for instructions

Adorable little hand made bunnies, I especially love the black & white fabric used

Sir Hopsalot (my fav bunny) - his soft body is built on a flexible wire that allows you to position him

Inspirational Workspace

I found the blog of Daniella Witte today - yet another talented Swede, who's blown my mind with her beautiful photographs and interior styling. Danielle owns a lifestyle store called Inreda Utreda, and the fact that she is also a great photographer means that all her products are expertly styled and photographed - I just want to reach into the computer screen and pull them all into my world!

She has recently created a new workspace which I adore. A typical Scandinavian black & white colour scheme, it has touches of warmth in the fabulous herringbone floor, and drool-worthy copper lighting. The washi tape strikes again in the form of simple typography on the wall, and a very cool wallpaper features a grainy bookshelf on one wall.

Even the simplest of objects can be arranged beautifully to make a statement. Definitely my kind of workspace!