Have you had a chance to flick through the latest Ivy & Piper online mag yet? As to be expected, there are some gorgeous things in there. I love the elegant bathroom featured in the article on page 28. It's amazing what a difference that one single pink flower makes to the room! What catches your eye?
Danish Christmas
Do you love this beautiful home in Denmark as much as me? There are little Christmasy arrangements for a lovely festive feel without being overwhelming. My favourite is the little tree on the shelf with the deer underneath.
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Another lovely blogger award made it's way to me today from the talented Abbey at Gild & Grace - how special I feel, thanks Abbey. The Liebster award is given to bloggers with fewer than 200 followers, and then handed on to 5 more inspirational blogs of my choice. It just so happens that I have come across some brilliant new blogs over the last few days, so it's perfect timing.
My Fab Five are: Amy @ Five Kinds of Happy • Kirsty @ Coral and Coast • Claudia @ wish you were here • Sasha @ one white apron • Crispin @ facing the sun and heading into the wind xxx
Room Crush
I have a crush on both these rooms, although the first is more of a space than room (a nook)!
I love the vastness of the 'Z' in comparison to the tiny chairs & table - very cool! |
Awesome kitchen & dining - great lights, barstools, funky 10 seater table, and it looks like the poster can slide over the chalkboard - wohoo! images via interiors porn |