DIY Doily Light Shade

How cute is this light shade! And it's quite simple to make...

1. First you have to have a selection of doilies, I think the round ones would work best;
2. Blow up a large balloon and hang it from a piece of string;
3. Paint the doilies with wallpaper glue;
4. Place the doilies on the balloon making sure you overlap them;
5. Leave overnight to dry;
6. Pop the balloon and cut a small opening in the top for light fitting.

Go here for more detail.

The Home of 'Salvation Jane'

I was thrilled to find an article on The Design Files (ridiculously great blog) about actress, designer, and blogger Jane Hall - AKA Salvation Jane. I am inspired by her home and her style, and couldn't agree more with her wise words about making your home look the best it possibly can... "not by ditching your old stuff and starting again, but by reinterpreting what is already there and adding bits and pieces until the balance is right and your personality is everywhere."

See and read more about Jane and her home here.

Colour Your World

Only a few more days of the school holidays left. I've had a lovely time with my girls, not having to rush off to school & work in the mornings, but I have to say it has been hard to get any work done. It is for this reason that I have to push back the opening of the Cush & Nooks online store. I wanted to have it open by the end of July but it will have to be early August now. 'Bare with' (does anyone else love "Miranda - the sitcom"), it's not long now!

Anyway, I was at the park this morning with my girlfriend. While our kids played, we sat in the glorious winter sun, drinking coffee and chatting. When we looked around at all the other Mums in the playground it was a sea of black. I think it's a New Zealand thing - women afraid of colour. I live in jeans, and am a big fan of black & white stripes, but love wearing colour - even if it's just a splash of colour in a scarf or necklace. If you're not sure what colours suit you, you can get a professional to do your colours and carry a little swatch in your handbag for when you're shopping. So go on girls, embrace some colour!

Here is one of my fav blogger girls, Sydney, showing you how to be casual and colourful...