Paint it Black

My little 6 year old twin girls have been invited to a Rugby party tomorrow. I think they're the only girls going, but they've always had as many 'boy' friends as they have 'girl' friends. They're supposed to wear their boots, but the only thing 'rugby' that they can claim is their Granddad - my Dad - who was once an All Black. For those of you (non New Zealanders) reading this that don't know what an All Black is - they are our national rugby team and top ranking in the world, they're treated a bit like heros here. So, inspired by our boys, here is some fabulous black...

Black can be really striking in a master bedroom

Very elegant wallpaper, and love those cushions amongst the black & white

Fabulous rug

Graphic lovelyness

Storm knows how to do black - I love the velvet jacket

Sydney from The Daybook rockin' her black outfit

Lindi Kingi's stunning jewellery

And here's my handsome Dad, Ian Uttley - my hero. xxx

Tea anybody?!

Nothing beats a lovely hot cup of tea (well, apart from a nice cold glass of champagne!). We have a coffee machine at work, which everyone else uses - a lot! But I have a little floral tea-for-one teapot & cup. I once saw a little old lady order a cup of tea at McDonalds, she then preceded to pull a china teacup out of her handbag and pour her tea into it. I can totally relate to her - it just doesn't taste the same in a polystyrene cup. And I know a fellow blogger (Jacqui from Magpie Chic) who's cat will only drink out of a china teacup. 
So here is a little tribute to tea and some beautiful tea cups...

I love using tea cups as vases

Beautiful cups & saucers from T2 Tea's blog

Some of T2 Tea's pretty range

I love this print by Sweet William

Another beautiful Sweet William print - see more here

Very clever lighting collection by Greg Bonasera

Don't you just love these cute tea cups by Samantha Robinson?!

Home Envy

It's about time I gave you another tour around yet another delicious home. This one belongs to Myriam Balay-Devidal and her family in Southern France. With a background in industrial product design, Myriam has moved towards working with textiles, and it is her use of pattern and colour throughout her home that attracted me to it. You can read more here and here.

The latest Marie Claire Maison features more beautiful photos of Myriam's home...