Norwegian Beauty

Because I love all things Scandinavian, I often feature their beautiful homes here in my blog. This is the home of Norwegian couple, Ingrid & Vidar. It features in my new favourite online magazine By Fryd, and you can see more on Ingrid's blog. Although By Fryd is not in English (and therefore I can't read the articles), you still can't help but be captivated by the stunning and compelling photography of it's creator, Jeanette Lunde.

Big thanks to Abbey at the lovely Gild & Grace - it's here I discovered the link to By Fryd. 

Peacock Chairs

I've had a super busy day, and I'm getting ready to relax a little and have a laugh watching "Cougar Town". Have you ever taken notice of the sets? There's some cool stuff in some of those houses, I love the chair in the corner of Jules' bedroom. My best friend when I was a teenager had a cane peacock chair in her room - I was sooo jealous! I still have a soft spot for them, and would love to pick up a second hand one and spray paint it bright yellow, or maybe fuchsia pink.

Amanda from Small Acorns has done just that in a gorgeous turquoise

Just what my girl's get-together's look like!

Perfect in a bedroom

And great outdoors too

Here's Jules - her bedroom is nothing amazing, but I love that chair!

Amy Butler Love

I'm kinda in love with Amy Butler! I'm planning a project using her fabric, and the hardest thing is to decide which designs, they are all so gorgeous! I was a happy girl when I found a tour of her house & studio on Apartment Therapy. It seems she shares my love of white, airy rooms with pops of colour, and she even has a hanging chair similar to mine!