
"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time". J. Lubbock

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It's comforting to read those words today, as I'm having a very idle day. We were out with friends last night at our favourite restaurant, Milk & Honey. Great night, but feeling a wee bit weary today! PS: I love cloud watching.

Biking in Style

My husband is a hard-core mountain biker. He and his friends do the most crazy things - huge jumps, biking across a tiny log with a huge drop into a river below, insane downhill tracks! He laughs at me every time I get my bike out - he thinks I look like a grandma, but I know I look styley - just like these girls!

The Audrey Hepburn Look

How beautiful is that!

Sarah Michelle Gellar agrees with me

These Alexander Girard bikes are a work of art - I love them

She has my Carrie Bicycle Basket - I bought that before my bike, that's how much I love it

Great biking outfit

Getting married on bikes is quite popular apparently