Audrey, Ava, Grace & Joan

I was lucky enough to attend the Craft Jam this week with my friend Bec. It was a chance to have a glass of wine, meet and chat with lots of cool like-minded ladies, and buy some beautiful handcrafted pieces.
My favourite stall of the night was Two Black Cats, where we met the lovely and very talented Sandi Reefman. Sandi lives here in Napier and designs and makes a gorgeous range of homeware. See a selection of her products below, and if you want to buy anything or have any queries drop her an email (tell her I sent you).

Satin group
Linen group
Tea towels
Ava cushion & Joan pillowcases
Audrey cushion
Ava cushion
Grace cushions - white linen (left) and oyster satin (right)

Make someone's rainy day

My friend, Sarah, suggested I do a posting about umbrellas, as we've had three days of almost non-stop rain here in The Bay. I love hearing what my readers want to see (keep it coming), so have been trawling the net for cool umbrellas.
Well, let me tell you, there are hundreds in every style, colour & design you can imagine. But one in particular appealed to me, so I have decided to feature just this one and the story that goes with it.
I'm a bit of a 'look on the bright side of life' kinda girl, and think it's so easy to make someone's day with a nice comment, or kind gesture. OK, ok, it's a little cheesey - but, if it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile (to borrow a line from a Rascal Flatts song).

The story is about a New York design student who wanted to touch the hearts of umbrella-less New Yorkers on a rainy day. She dressed up as Mary Poppins and escorted people across the street carrying a hand-lettered umbrella (really cute, and very clever) and a bag of chocolate-dipped spoons...

Maybe this will inspire you to make someone's day today!