Hannah Blackmore Photography

Hannah Blackmore is a Sydney based wedding and lifestyle photographer, and her work is just sublime! If it looks familiar, that may be because she has photographed some of my most favourite bedrooms ever, which I have featured on the blog before. Some of them you will have seen in the amazing online magazine Adore also.

As well as the big picture, I love the way Hannah captures all the details. It's those details that I'm crazy about, as these are the things that bring a room or a space to life. And it's these details that help to tell the whole story in Hannah's work.

It was really hard for me to narrow down my selection of photos to show you here, they are all so fabulous. So go and check out all her work for yourself. And Hannah also has a separate website for her wedding portfolio, which (as you can imagine) is gorgeous. You'll also find her blog on this site which keeps you up to date with all of her latest wedding work.

Urban Jungle

Growing up in Hawaii with surf and jungle, is a far cry from downtown Los Angeles, where Jon and Nina Hans now live. By surrounding themselves with greenery, they have brought a little bit of Hawaii to their new home. I love what they have created, they have definitely stamped their mark on this loft. This, to me, is what a home should be - a true representation of it's owners. Yeha!

Read the full story on Design*Sponge.

Rue Magazine

I finally got around to updating my online magazines (in the right hand side bar), make sure you check them out when you have some spare time. I recommend you start with the latest edition of Rue magazine, it's fantastic! With the arrival of Spring over in America, Rue brings us ideas on how to bring colour into all areas of our lives. Filled with lots of delicious products to buy, and articles to inspire.

From a cool, creative masculine space - SND CYN, a dynamic graphic design studio...

To an ultra feminine artist's home and studio...

And a classy apartment in Upper Manhattan...

Whether you like an explosion of colour, or more subtle hues, there's something for all tastes in this latest issue of Rue.