The Amazing Race Australia

Today's posting is a little bit different... Over the last 6 weeks or so, my girls and I have become big fans of 'The Amazing Race Australia'. I've watched the American series before, but, maybe because we're all from 'down under', the Aussies were really fun to watch. So many laughs with the Big W Ladies, Mos & Mo, the Cowboys (Matt cracked me up!). But funnily enough all our favs made it through to the final, which aired last night here in NZ.

My youngest at 6 years, Luca, loved the surfie boys, Tyler & Nathan, who were very strong throughout the race and ended up winning.

Jessie, my 8 year old, was all Girl Power and backed Sam & Renae, who did really well as an all women team. They finished second.

And Luca's twin sister, Mia, and I were cheering for Luke & Jeff who came third. I thought their story was great - father and son, the dad, Jeff, had left when Luke was 15 yrs, and they had a bit of a fractured relationship. Not that that was great, but it was awesome to see the bond and trust grow between them over the course of the race.

What a cool thing to be able to do - race around the world, see so many amazing places, push yourself to new limits, all with your best mate/boyfriend/brother/sister... I was surprised that my twins were interested in the show, but they loved watching the challenges, and seeing all the different countries. Are any of you Reality TV fans, and if so, what's your favourite!

Every Room in the House

The Beautiful Soup is a fabulous blog showcasing amazing spaces and places in the home. I have chosen a favourite room in each of the categories. Have a look for yourself, it's a great place for inspiration.

This cute bedroom has a real Scandinavian flavour. Love the cushions, the artwork, the bedside lamps,
and I really want to know where the ladder leads.

Cool hallway with mirror collection. I might borrow that idea to have a simple shelf in the hall.
Fab sliding door leading into lovely relaxed lounge.

Again, Scandinavian feel - love the art and patterns against the white.

So many of my favs - booth-style seating, typography, my love of deer, industrial light...

I want to live here - awesome floor, lovely big table, mis-matched chairs, Smeg fridge, massive windows, splashes of colour against white!

There were so many gorgeous bathrooms, but I really love this outdoor shower - perfect for after the beach.

The basins - oh la la!

Gorgeous! This has inspired me to redecorate my daughter's room.

Would definitely like to sit out here and sip gin & tonic!

Cool work space. The rug is yum, and leads your eye through to the quirky yellow fire place.

Adelaide Hills Home

I am so impressed and inspired by this beautiful home in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia. The owners started with a rabbit warren, with too many doors leading into lots of pokey rooms, but after a long slog they transformed it, and I think you will agree that they have done a fantastic job. I love the library with it's glorious window seat, also the kitchen, the bathrooms, the stunning entranceway... Click here for more photos, including before shots.