AnthroFave | Pinterest

I love Anthropologie with it's mix of clothing, accessories, gifts, and home decor, often with a global vibe. With international shipping available I've bought several items so far and been very happy with them all. Recently, while on Pinterest, I've noticed #AnthroFave coming up a lot, and upon investigation discovered a group Pinterest board called Your Anthropologie Favorites. It's a place to share your favourite finds from this amazing store, whether it's a dress, a lipstick, a chair, anything you love... I've chosen a few of my fave items from the board, but there is so much more.

I applaud Anthropologie, it's a very clever marketing strategy. If you want to add your favourites to the board you just need to ask them for an invite. See the top of the Pinterest board for more details.

Celebrity Style

In the early days of my blog, and when I was just starting out with my Cush & Nooks Facebook page, I shared a cute bunk bed image in my Kids album, and Jessica Alba then shared it on her page.

Yes, you heard me right, Jessica Alba - gorgeous, celebrity, "Into the Blue" Jessica Alba! Well, my Facebook 'likes' went through the roof as lots of her fans came over to check out my little ole page.

This morning I was reading an article on Domaine about the best celebrities to follow on Pinterest, and Jessica was one of them. As you'd expect, she has fabulous taste, and I was happy to see quite a few pins that I already have on my own Pinterest boards.

Another of my favourite celebs is Nicole Richie, and I had lots of fun exploring her pinterest boards. The same beautiful Boho style that you can find in her fashion label, House of Harlow (and her own wardobe), can be found in her interior style.

Check out some other stylish celebrity pinners here. Happy Labour Day to everyone in New Zealand, have a great day!

Rooms to Love | Style Inspiration for Every Home

The creative duo consisting of stylist LeeAnn Yare, and photographer Larnie Nicolson have done it again... following the success of their first book New Zealand Interior Style, they've released another beautiful design book called Rooms to Love, due out today.

photo via here

Brimming with tips and tricks and gorgeous New Zealand interiors, the book is broken down into different areas of the house, even those often neglected. It shares decorating ideas catering to every budget proving that you don't have to have a lot of money to create a stunning space.

LeeAnn's advice is to do what you love, don't follow trends, it's your home and it should make you happy. "Don't create a home that's off the pages of a catalog," she says. "When you walk into someone's home you should be able to feel the people that live there. We want to be able to see their story".

This is a must read for all interior junkies out there. I can't wait to get my copy and devour every page and all those incredible photographs.

Reproduced with permission from Rooms to Love by LeeAnn Yare and Larnie Nicolson. Published by Penguin Group NZ. RRP $59.99. Copyright © text by LeeAnn Yare, 2014. Copyright © photographs Larnie Nicolson, 2014.