Norman Rockwell

I have always been fascinated by Norman Rockwell's beautiful illustrations. As a young girl I spent hours pouring over my grandfather's - Nooks' - Norman Rockwell books. One of my most favourite pictures is the one of the little girl looking at her reflection in the mirror.
Today I found some photos my gorgeous 'big' girl had taken of herself on my computer. She's growing up so fast, and they reminded me of "Girl in the Mirror'. Just like her, dolls are being cast aside in favour of lipstick (she likes to 'borrow' mine) and movie stars, although Selena Gomez, not Jane Russell!

picture source

Craft & Design Market

I'm really excited... this Saturday I will be manning a stall at the fabulous Craft & Design Market in Havelock North. I'm going to be showing my dog beds, as the photos just don't do them justice - you really have to see them, feel how soft & comfy they are. I've been to many craft markets before, but this is the first time I will be selling something - just a wee bit nervous. I'm taking my beautiful Sam so she can sit nicely under my table modeling her own bed, with her trademark smile - just like this...

I went to the first of these Havelock Markets and it was excellent, with really great products. I believe it has grown quite a bit since then, and this one on Saturday is only their third. If you're local, do come and check it out, it's right next to Hawthorne Coffee Shop.
On that note, all local Hawke's Bay people... If there's anything you're interested in the Cush & Nooks online store, I am happy to arrange pick up or delivery to save you on courier costs. Just email me, and we'll work it out. Vic xxx

Multi Frames

I have just bought some art for our living room wall. I managed to track down this gorgeous vintage poster featured on a previous post (2nd down), and can't wait for it to arrive. While I was considering what to do with our large white blank wall, one of my options was to group a selection of smaller art pieces. I do like this look, and I think it looks fantastic in the images below - love the 'meow' picture!

pictures via here