Heather Nette King the Stylist

Although I'm a trained graphic designer, my real passion is interior design (I just didn't realise that when I was 19 and choosing my career path). But I love my graphic design background and the skill set it has given me. Some things spill over into interior design -  knowing about colour, contrast, scale, layout etc. And I've been using all of these in my recent dabbling into interior styling.

I am also learning as much as I can from other stylists whom I admire and look up to. One of those amazing women is Heather Nette King, whose home I featured here. I get so inspired when looking at her portfolio of work. I've chosen a few of my favourites to show you, but it's just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to see more, hop over to her website.

It's All About Balance

Sorry, for not posting yesterday. I've got some exciting things happening in the wings, and it was a particularly busy day (will share more info when I can).

Anyway, today I wanted to talk a bit about balance. I really like using asymmetry in interior styling. There's definitely a time and place for symmetry, but it can often look very formal, and I'm a casual kinda gal! The following examples all use furniture and objects in an asymmetrical way, but each is beautifully balanced. For example, in the first image, the large painting and cushion on the left are balanced out by the three smaller art pieces and the off-set coffee table.

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Circles + Angles

I don't know what it is exactly about circles that makes me love them so much. They are a symbol of unity and wholeness, and can be seen as protective, nurturing and feminine.
And they are fantastic to incorporate into your home! 
A lot of things in our homes are rectangular in shape - tables, pictures, sofas, books... Look around you, see what I mean?! Adding circles into your home will counterbalance all those angles, soften them, and, in my opinion, contrasts add interest and dynamics to a space.

There are lots of ways to include circles in your home, and you may already have done this unwittingly (or knowingly). On the walls - round mirrors, artwork, clocks, wall plates, hanging hats on hooks looks cool and it's functional; furniture - round tables, ottomans, stools; accessories - lights are often circular, throw a round cushion in with your square ones, circle patterns on fabric. So go on and embrace your curves!

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