Vic's Valentines Picks

Valentines Day is looming, and although the Mr and I don't spend a lot of money on February 14th, I always make him acknowledge it, and it never hurts to have a wish list! I usually try and find a cool (opposite of corny) card, and when I saw these ones by Emily McDowell I laughed out loud. Unfortunately for me, and anyone outside of the US, Emily has been inundated with orders, and if you ordered today it's unlikely to get here in time. But keep her cards in mind for the future.

Of course some of my favourite cards are sold right here in the Cush & Nooks shop. These two below would be awesome V Day cards.

These swans, also from Cush & Nooks, are so beautiful. You can buy them separately, but they look so good together - don't you love how their graceful necks create a love heart?! (I have just sold the last prints but will get more in stock, so send me an email if you're interested).

For me Valentines Day is all about the little things - a flower from the garden, a cup of tea in bed. Kikki K have a gorgeous range called the Neon Hearts Collection. I'd be very happy if my cup of tea was brought to me in their Big Heart Mug.

Speaking of little things, here are a couple of small tokens of love that would most definitely be well received (by moi!). Shaun and Angela of Seventy Six Design are truly gifted. The rose gold and white gold frangipani inspired ring on the left, set with diamonds has my name all over it.

Just in case that doesn't happen, I've always loved this Wildfox Sparkle Heart Sweatshirt.

I hope this time next week you'll all been showered with affection by your loved one. And if you're single, listen to Emily - it's so much better than dating some idiot! ;)

Introducing Whitebook

We all love to shop, right?! I know I do, and so do Sally Brochocka and Emma Robertson. But these two, who have been friends for many years, have decided the best kind of shopping is when you're buying products that are caring for our local and global environment. So together they have created an amazing online shop called Whitebook.

They have done all the hard work for us and collated a fabulous range of products, all beautifully designed, all created with fair ethics, and all good for our planet. For example, these oh-so-cute Animal Beanies are made in Bali by rice farmer's wives. The women can crochet up to two hats a day, which doubles their family's daily income. In an environment where employment opportunities for women are rare, it's a a wonderful thing, and the additional income is life-changing for the families.

Another incredible range is the Made jewellery which is all produced in Kenya, providing skills and opportunities for local artisans. They use a combination of traditional and Western methods, and all their materials are sourced responsibly. Made have collaborated with such powerhouses as Louis Vuitton, Topshop, John Lewis, Tommy Hilfiger and more.

There are loads of gorgeous gift ideas if you're still looking for Christmas present ideas. These sweet 100% recycled notecards by Ecojot come in a pack of 10, and would make great stocking stuffers. Ecojot's mission is to give children in need around the world a workbook and pen to write their way out of poverty and violence.

A very cool range of drink bottles and lunch boxes by Earthlust, will be a big hit with little and big kids alike. Earthlust are committed to donating 1% of annual net revenues to environmental organisations worldwide.

I love the cool stationery by Remarkable. The UK company take waste products destined for the dump and turn them into fabulous new products. Like their colourful pocket notebooks made from 100% recycled card and paper; and their sleek, black coloured pencils made from old CD cases.

When you've chosen and wrapped all your presents, you'll need (and want) some of these adorable Tikitibu gift tags. The wooden tags, made from sustainable sourced wood, can also be used as decorations on your tree, or around your home. And the paper gift tags will make any present look super special.

This is just some of what Whitebook has to offer, so make sure you pop over to see the full range for yourself. And keep up to date with all the news on their Facebook page.

Spots 'n Stripes

Spots and stripes - the two most basic patterns - I love them both. I often use them when decorating children's rooms for their striking simplicity and sense of fun. I tend to associate spots with little girls, and stripes with boys...

1: Harper + Hudson necklace | 2: Polka Dot kantha quilt | 3: Wunway Tara dress | 4: Polka Dot wall decals

1: Paperboy Stripes wallpaper | 2: Moped bunting | 3: Minti Bronx shorts | 4: Carnival Stripe rug

Of course, they are completely gender neutral, and you can dress your little ones in, or decorate their rooms with either. Or better still, why not both!