Autumn Salon

Happy Monday everyone. Here's hoping you all had a fantastic weekend. I certainly did, especially on Saturday night when I attended Autumn Salon, a beautiful evening put on by Aroha & Friends and FG Smith Eatery. You may remember I blogged about it here, a girl's night out to celebrate the change of season and to enjoy food, fashion, and music.

The scene was set when the invitations arrived in the mail with Tracey Tawhiao's amazing handprinted artwork.

On the night, more of Tracey's creations awaited us at Smiths - handprinted goodie bags, and stunning art pieces hung on the walls and from the ceiling.

We were treated to music by Sarah Bell and Brad Gamble (one of the few men allowed), and also Sarah Wigg, and poetry from Tracey Tawhiao. The food by FG Smith, which included five small tasting courses, was absolutely divine. And Sarah Bell swapped her bass guitar for a microphone to talk us through the fashion show she had put together. A brilliant stylist, Sarah had picked outfits for the two gorgeous models from Aroha's new season range, and also a new wearable collaboration by Melaina Newport of Aroha & Friends.

Thoroughly satisfied by the delicious food, and inspired by the fashion show, we were free to wander through Aroha & Friends for some retail therapy, and to see Nikki Gabriel's fabulous and colourful installation.

It was a fantastic night, and so well organised. Because it was so successful it's quite likely there'll be a Winter Salon - fingers crossed! I'll leave you with a few more images by Sarah Bell and Pam Tinning featuring Marie Drew - a fashion story showcasing just some of Aroha & Friend's winter collection. Pop instore or online to see more.

Vic's Valentines Picks

Valentines Day is looming, and although the Mr and I don't spend a lot of money on February 14th, I always make him acknowledge it, and it never hurts to have a wish list! I usually try and find a cool (opposite of corny) card, and when I saw these ones by Emily McDowell I laughed out loud. Unfortunately for me, and anyone outside of the US, Emily has been inundated with orders, and if you ordered today it's unlikely to get here in time. But keep her cards in mind for the future.

Of course some of my favourite cards are sold right here in the Cush & Nooks shop. These two below would be awesome V Day cards.

These swans, also from Cush & Nooks, are so beautiful. You can buy them separately, but they look so good together - don't you love how their graceful necks create a love heart?! (I have just sold the last prints but will get more in stock, so send me an email if you're interested).

For me Valentines Day is all about the little things - a flower from the garden, a cup of tea in bed. Kikki K have a gorgeous range called the Neon Hearts Collection. I'd be very happy if my cup of tea was brought to me in their Big Heart Mug.

Speaking of little things, here are a couple of small tokens of love that would most definitely be well received (by moi!). Shaun and Angela of Seventy Six Design are truly gifted. The rose gold and white gold frangipani inspired ring on the left, set with diamonds has my name all over it.

Just in case that doesn't happen, I've always loved this Wildfox Sparkle Heart Sweatshirt.

I hope this time next week you'll all been showered with affection by your loved one. And if you're single, listen to Emily - it's so much better than dating some idiot! ;)

Favourite Finds

This is the first of another new blog series - Favourite Finds. Once every week or two I'll be bringing you a selection of favourite things I've discovered - maybe a new website I've found, or a movie I've seen, a delicious recipe, or cool product... an eclectic collection. Hopefully there'll be something in there to inspire you to.

I've recently taken the Meat Free Monday pledge. The concept to cut meat out of your diet for one day a week is taking the world by storm, and little ole New Zealand is jumping on board. I quite regularly cook vegetarian meals for our family, so it won't be a hard concept for me at all, but I'm most excited to try the yummy recipes you can find on the website. Pop over and read all about why you should take the pledge with me.

Autumn fashion is hitting the shops already and my favourite label, Moochi, has lots of cool new stock to entice me. I have a long list, of course, but at the top are these awesome Lead Pants. Tapered at the ankle and with an elasticised waist they look really smart and super comfy - a brilliant combination!

I've just discovered the TV programme Offspring. I know what you're saying... "Where've you been?! Offspring has been around for ages!". Yes, I know we're about to start season 4 here in NZ, but before a few days ago I'd never watched an episode. Thanks to the wonder of TVNZ On Demand, I was able to watch the last three episodes of season 3 back-to-back on my iPad in bed. Now I can't wait for the new season to start so I can see more of the craziness and of course, Patrick - sigh!

I'm always happy to add another interior book to my collection, and I love the look of Creative Family Home. It addresses both the practical and decorative issues involved in creating a stylish home for your family, whether you've got one tiny baby, or a tribe of teenagers.

And last, but certainly not least, my favourite new find... get ready to have your heart wrenched! I follow an incredible instagram account called mommasgonecity. Owned by Jessica Shyba, her blog by the same name was initially started as a way to keep in touch with family when they moved from California to Manhattan. Jessica moved back to Santa Cruz, California with her husband, three adorable children, and their latest addition, a rescue puppy called Theo.

A very special bond has formed between Theo and Jessica's youngest child, Beau - there is nothing quite like the love between a boy and his dog. Read Jessica's full story here about how the pair became such close buddies, and how nap time is no longer Jessica's most productive time of day! She spends most of it watching this remarkable love story with her heart bursting. As a massive dog lover, this just makes me want to cry with joy! I'm a bit of a sook when it comes to animals, if you are too make sure you follow Theo and Beau's journey, as well as the rest of the family, on instagram.