Pony Lane

I'm excited to introduce you to a fabulous online homewares and gift store belonging to Wellington sisters, Karina and Jennifer. When travelling overseas they filled their suitcases with treasures and souvenirs, and friends back home were very envious of their finds. 

After many requests for items on their next trip, the girls decided to share the love and Pony Lane was born. Instead of packing items into their luggage, these days crates of goodness are delivered straight to their door.

Pony Lane products are individually sourced with a focus on everyday staples for the home. But they're also the exclusive stockist of the gorgeous range of 'Craft Me Up' products by a third clever sister, Angela. As a big fan of Florence Broadhurst fabric, I absolutely love Angela's cushion range, and she also creates a fabulous range of bags and jewellery.

This is a just a fraction of what's on offer at Pony Lane, so pop over and see more. Be sure to check back, and follow them on Facebook, as the sisters plan on many more treasure hunts to share with you.

Favourite Finds

I have some amazing finds to share with you today - this collection might just be my favourite so far! Starting with this stunning Cole & Son Palm Jungle wallpaper. I found it in blue in a tiny London bathroom featured on Design*Sponge. But it's available in a range of colours, including gorgeous emerald green.

I'm a long time Donna Wilson fan, and I was seriously swooning when I came across these divine This Way That Way bean bags of hers recently. Made from pure wool they're the ultimate in cool and comfy occasional seating - yes, I want one!

Speaking of swooning... the range of jewellery by Sarah & Sebastian is absolutely divine. I have pushed several pieces right to the top of my wish list - the gold truss ring and bangle, and the pinky swear ring.

And last, but not least, I've discovered a fab new blog to follow. Cocorrina is a beautiful blog by graphic designer, Corina. Her story fascinates me, as she has done the opposite to me, switching from interiors to graphics; and she lives in Kefalonia Island, which is like heaven on earth (check out her Instagram)! Corina creates lots of brilliant wallpapers that are free to download.

This one below has the option of a black or white background, words or no words, and one for your phone too - aren't they great?!

I hope I've inspired you, and apologies to your wallet if you're rushing off to buy luxurious bean bags and jewellery - totally worth it, I think :)

3 Wishes | Alana & Warren

I'm hoping y'all know by now what my '3 Wishes' is about, but if you need me to catch you up... I select two awesome people whom I admire greatly and ask them what's top of their wish list. Then I throw one of mine in, just because my list is long, and I love to share it! Today I'm really excited to have the amazingly talented husband and wife team of Alana and Warren Broadhead-Fryer.

Alana is the woman behind one of my most fave blogs, FANCY! New Zealand Design Blog. She brings us the best design from New Zealand and around the world, and all with a wicked sense of humour! FANCY was the first blog I ever started following. I remember the days when I was still working in a graphic design agency (and not loving it so much), I had the website bookmarked so I could escape to a beautiful land of design, even if only for a few minutes!

If you follow Alana's blog, you'll know what excellent taste she has, so I was looking forward to seeing what she chose. I definitely approve of her Candy Dot Cushion from Danish furniture and design brand HAY.

I let Alana have a second wish because I know how hard it is to stop at one, and it's truly gorgeous... a Seize Bracelet by The Boyscouts. Now that I've been introduced, I really want one of their hexagon rose gold rings.

Warren is the creative genius behind Company and Things. His cleverly designed logo says it all - a company that makes beautiful trestle desks. Classic and stylish Warren's desks work brilliantly in most environments. We've used them in our Bibby + Brady client's homes and I highly recommend them.

It seems that Warren shares his wife's great taste. He loves everything from Hard Graft, especially their Mighty Phone Fold Wallet. I am so pleased that I asked Warren to share his wish, it's fantastic to have a guy's input. I find it so hard to buy for the men in my life, and now (thanks to Warren and Hard Graft) I've got it covered. Check out this cool MacBook Pro Retina Zip Sleeve.

And here's a little example of the combined talent - Warren's desk and one of Alana's prints.

Now to my wish - I would really like a new chair for my desk. I spend a lot (and I mean A LOT!) of time at my desk. Because it's in the corner of our sitting room, I have a ghost chair so that it doesn't take up too much visual space. But as great as those ghost chairs look, they are not meant for long hours of sitting!

I have decided that this divine Featherston Chair from Mr Bigglesworthy would do nicely. It certainly won't blend into nothingness, but it's just gorgeous. And I could pull it round for an extra seat when we have friends and family over.

Thanks so much Alana and Warren for taking part in 3 Wishes. x