It's All About the Balance

I don't normally blog in the weekend but I had this home tour ready to post yesterday before the day got away on me. It's such a beautiful home, my kind of aesthetic with white walls and layers of colour and pattern. When mixing patterns it's good to vary the size of the pattern - the ticking striped chairs work well with the large paisley table cloth. The wooden chairs bring warmth and balance the blue and white colour scheme.

Artwork is kept simple which, along with the white walls and soft grey floor boards, balances the busyness of the patterned furniture.

A little table setting provides the perfect spot for breakfast, or coffee with a friend. Dael & I often include a similar setting in our Bibby + Brady projects. Whether it's a small dining table like this, or a pair of armchairs with a side table, it's nice to create another space (other than the main living and dining rooms) to relax.

Little groupings like this one in the kitchen is what gives a home it's soul. It's handy to have some things close at hand when cooking, and they if they look fab you can leave them out on display.

The hallway is not exempt from the home's signature look - a splash of pattern with simple, graphic artwork.

Wicker chairs and an umbrella provide another gathering spot on the balcony.

Although the colour and pattern used throughout the home is bright and busy, it works because the palette of red, blue and green is consistent, and the neutral base provides your eye with a place to rest. I love it!

C+M Studio

I recently came across the work of C+M Studio, an award winning, multidisciplinary architecture studio based in Sydney. The "C" stands for Christopher Glanville and the "M" stands for Megan Burns. Together they make a pretty awesome team creating the most beautiful interior spaces. Their style favours simplicity, honest materials, and layers of gorgeous tone and texture. I'm super impressed and have chosen some of my favourite photos from their portfolio (sit back, there are a few!).

All photographs by Carolin McCredie

If you like what you see make sure you pop over to the C+M Studio website and see all of their work. Stunning!

A Family Lake House

I know a lot of people who have had wonderful childhoods spent at their family lake or beach house, and then when they grew up and stopped using it as much, the home was sold. It's only when they had children of their own that they remember those childhood days fondly and wish they could recreate them for their kids. Not often does that opportunity come around, but for fashion designer, Jennie Kayne-Ehrlich, it did.

Her childhood home in Lake Tahoe was sold after the family's lives changed and they moved on. 10 years later, and with two young children, Jenni became nostalgic for that home. She and her sister, Saree, began to look for a place to rent in the area, and discovered their old home was on the market - it was meant to be!

The family bought the home together, but it was Jenni who was put in charge of the renovation. She wanted it to feel like a lake house, somewhere you could come in with sandy feet. She borrowed the colour palette from outside and used lots of natural materials and texture, keeping it simple and classic.

photos by Lisa Romerein

What a beautiful home and story, and what an idyllic life by the lake. To read more about it hop over here.