The Block Living Room | Girls vs Boys

Last night's living room reveal saw Niki and Tiff finally knocked off the first place podium, and by Dyls and Dylz, what a turn around! Everybody's playing it pretty safe these days with their colour palette, but I guess that's because N+T have been consistently winning with this formula. It would be great to see someone let loose and do something to blow us all away, but with teams needing money to finish their homes, I'm not holding my breath, safe it is. Maybe outdoor or kitchen week.

Dyls and Dylz: 1st place - 16 points (8 from Fiona and 8 from Paul)

It was the large barn slider that created some impact in the boys' living room. Made by big Dyls, it adds a lovely warmth and texture to the room. I think a small entertainment unit under the TV would've been better than a bean bag though, don't you think? It would help ground the TV and be practical for storing your SKY box etc.

The large sofa is great for TV and movie watching, it looks pretty comfy, but just remember these modular sofas are not as good for social interaction, as everyone is sitting in a straight line. Neither of the judges liked the cow skin artwork, and I sure don't.

I had a quick play in Photoshop to add a piece of art I think would look much better. Here at Bibby + Brady we love large scale artwork.

Speaking of "large", an even bigger rug would've looked great and made the room feel much bigger. Ideally the whole sofa should be able to fit on the rug. It's great to see the double D's come away with a win though, I'm sure it will boost their confidence as well as their bank balance.

Niki and Tiff: 2nd place - 14.5 points (7.5 from Fiona and 7 from Paul)

We watched last week unfurl wondering if Niki & Tiff would find out that Dyls & Dylz were also using a barn slider (or vice versa), but we'll have to wait til tonight's episode I think. The girls' slider is used in a slightly different way - it can be slid across to hide the TV, which is clever.

I love the hint of colour in the artwork which is picked up in the rug. I can't say that I'm a huge fan of that fluffy rug though (sorry girls). I love the texture and the injection of colour, perhaps it would grow on me, not literally, hah!

I do love the sofa. Although I know white is not the most practical colour for a sofa, it looks like a slip cover, so it could be washed. We sell a similar sofa (in various sizes and colours) that has spare slip covers available to purchase, so you could put a fresh one on while the other is being washed. Email me for more info.

The judges comments were that Niki & Tiff's room was lacking warmth and practicality which is why they slipped from first place. What do you think?

Emma and Courtney: 3rd place - 14 points (7 from Fiona and 6 from Paul and the +1 point)

Emma & Courtney were under pressure to use the "+1" point they'd won at a previous challenge, but it wasn't quite enough to help their score. The girls did a lot of things right - they hung their curtains high to add height, they used large scale art, they had a nice built in shelf under their TV...

The room was nice, but not amazing. The rug was way too small and looked more like a front door mat than a living room rug, and the David Trubridge light was hung in the wrong place, it would've looked better at the other side of the sofa, or at one end of the console. I'm sure these girls have a win coming to them soon - come on girls!

Sam and Emmett: Last place - 12 points (7 from Fiona and 5 from Paul)

Not since week 1 have Sam and Emmett come in at last position, they've been doing pretty well. But their living room didn't quite hit the mark. I like an eclectic mix, but their room feels a bit confused with lots going on but nothing quite fitting.

Instead of the wing back leather chair, a mid century chair covered in a cool check would've looked awesome (see my crude photoshopping below). The shape of the chair works with the shape of the sofa, and the wooden legs tie in the colour of the leather poufs and the coffee table.

But I like that the boys have pulled the yellow and green out of the parrot art and used it in the cushions, throw and flowers.

Their posed photos were my favourite thing in the room - priceless! :)

I can't wait to hear what room is up next. Surely the kitchen, or maybe the dining room? Tune in to TV3 tonight to find out.

The Block Guest Bedroom | Girls vs Boys

Pulling the guest bedroom together whilst also having the Dinner Wars challenge on proved to be a busy and stressful week for all of the teams. Eating out and being entertained in the evening, although fun, took away valuable painting time, and inevitably meant less sleep too. But once again everyone completed their room, and here are the results...

Niki and Tiff: 1st place - 18 points (9 from Fiona and 9 from Paul)

This win means Niki and Tiff have won every room except the kid's bedroom, which they deliberately threw so that they could stay consistent with their overall style. The other teams are all feeling a bit at a loss as to what they can do to beat the girls. The girls stayed true to their style and worked with a monochromatic palette and lots of texture. It's all pretty gorgeous, but I will share my thoughts about how I think it could be even more so...

Curtains would've added a softness to the room, which I think it needs. In a soft white linen they would've sat quietly with a subtle sophistication. I would love to see just a hint of colour, perhaps earthy greens and blues with slightly muddy pinks. I also would've pulled the styling together into tighter groups creating a stronger focal point rather than having them spread out and floating. But I'm being picky, these girls are amazing, and on the whole, I love what they do.

Part of the brief was that each team had to have a hand in making a custom headboard. Niki has become quite the apprentice, and she helped their builder create the built-in headboard, which also acts as a shelf, and includes a long floating bedside. I love this, it looks fantastic, and the other thing I love is the large 2x3m rug under the bed, it's an excellent size.

Sam and Emmett: 2nd place - 16 points (8 from Fiona and 8 from Paul)

The boys are sick of being the bridesmaids and never the bride. They really wanted this win, and they presented a great room. Their woven leather headboard was a-ma-zing, I like it a lot, and I was really impressed with their styling too (except not loving the throw placement or the curtain tieback - but minor details).

Although the large striped rug is really cool, it is quite a strong and striking element which pulls your eye away from the headboard, which is the hero of the room. I would've moved the two art prints a bit closer together, but that's also a minor detail, it was a great effort by Sam and Emmett.

Dyls and Dylz: 3rd place - 12.5 points (6.5 from Fiona and 6 from Paul)

Dyls and Dylz have also stayed consistent with their rustic style, and it was great to see them take onboard some of the judges comments from last week, and pare it back a bit. Their macrcocarpa headboard was really well executed and I like the inset shelf, although I don't think it needed to be lit, the bedside lights are enough.

It's a nice room, but I'm not 'wowed'. The boys are putting their heart and soul into each room, so it's hard to watch them at the judging each week, but that's what all the teams signed up for with The Block. It can be a tough process.

Emma and Courtney: Last place - 10 points (5 from Fiona and 5 from Paul)

This week was particularly hard on Courtney. Her lack of sleep, and the room not turning out the way she had hoped caused a few tears. The girls took a risk by installing a glass brick feature wall behind their bed, but the result was too cold and hard for a bedroom and took away from their headboard. By the end of the week both Emma and Courtney had fallen out of love with their headboard, but I really like it, and agree with Fiona that a plain white painted wall behind would've looked better (not to mention been cheaper and easier).

Despite the outcome, the judges applauded the girls' choice to try something bold, and didn't want this setback to discourage them in future rooms. The throw doesn't do much for me and the art is too small, but the inky blue bedding looks fantastic against the warmth of the parquet headboard. I also would've made the curtains pull right back to the walls for a fuller, more sophisticated look. On a positive note, Emma won the game changing challenge, so the girls have the "+1" to play when the right opportunity arises.

It's been great getting some comments and feedback from you guys, keep it coming. What are your highlights so far? I have to say I love Sunday's show when I get to see what Fiona McLeod is wearing - love her style :) Pop over to the TV3 website for much more, and tune in tonight when 'big' Dyls has everyone worried when he experiences chest pains - hope he's OK!

The Block Bathroom | Girls vs Boys

I have to say, I am super impressed with this season's teams. Bathroom week is often one of the toughest weeks on The Block. You need every tradie available - builder, plumber, waterproofer, tiler, electrician, plasterer (have I forgotten any?) - and because of the tight deadline, they're often working on top of each other in a small space. So completing the room in a week is a huge undertaking, and one that everyone achieved to pretty high standards. Well done guys.

Niki and Tiff: 1st place - 16.5 points (8.5 from Fiona and 8 from Paul)

Another win for these girls, and it was well deserved. They stuck with their clean aesthetic with an earthy palette and a global influence. I LOVE their tiles, and their matt black fittings. The square lines found in their bath and toilet were a deliberate choice to be different, which I applaud, but I would've loved to have seen a simple round mirror to soften those lines. I find the one they chose quite heavy, and although round in the centre, the frame adds more angles.

In saying that, I'm a big fan of these girls, and I really look forward to seeing their room each week. And, did I mention they installed a sound system in their bathroom so they can relax with some tunes when they're in the bath?! Noice :)

Emma and Courtney: 2nd place - 15 points (8 from Fiona and 7 from Paul)

Emma and Courtney also did a fantastic job with their bathroom. I love the juxtaposition of the large concrete tiles and the tiny hexagon ones. The foot niche for shaving your legs is brilliant, I wish I had one (Niki and Tiff also have one), although the girls did get called up for the untidy finish on this. Something I'm sure they'll fix.

The floating vanity and wall hung toilet create a sense of space. I do wonder if the bath could've been pulled out slightly though, as it seems a bit jammed up in the corner. A little bit of air around it would've been nice, that would've required a tap that came out further, so perhaps placement was dictated by that. But the accessories were great and I love the led lighting under the vanity.

Sam and Emmett: 3rd place - 14.5 points (6.5 from Fiona and 7 from Paul and the +1 point)

Only one point behind Niki and Tiff after Paul's scores were revealed, Sam and Emmett gambled the +1 point they'd won at the challenge earlier. But it wasn't enough to push them to the front, and they finished in third place behind both girls teams.

They made some nice choices, I like their bath and their grey subway tiles, but I have to agree with the judges that the amount of grey was overwhelming creating a slightly cold feel. A break in the tiles would've added some relief, or some warm touches - light wood, or Emma and Courtney's pink towels. Their little rustic stool is my favourite thing, and once again, led lighting under the floating vanity is awesome.

Dyls and Dylz: Last place - 11 points (6 from Fiona and 5 from Paul)

These low scores, of course, caused some upset with Dyls and Dylz. The boys worked really hard and had high hopes for their room. They created their dream bathroom, and it certainly had a masculine vibe. But the judges slammed them for having too much going on. I have to agree with Fiona and Paul. It was really hard to watch the judges results being read out, as the boys had put their heart and soul into it, but there were too many things competing for your attention.

I loved the rustic wood in the vanity top, but the open shelving, the double sinks, and then the reflection of the double shower heads in the mirror, takes away from that. Shelley was right when she quoted Coco Chanel... "before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off". Choose what you want your "hero" to be, and then let that shine. Everything else should complement it, not compete with it for your attention. But the standard of finish looks really high, and there are definitely some great ideas in this bathroom, they just need to pull back a little bit.

Tell me your thoughts, and what you loved, it's always great hearing from you. Keep watching this week as the teams produce their guest bedroom, as well as take part in Dinner Wars, which is always interesting. And head over to the TV3 website to see more pics and all the latest content.