Lovely Lindi

What a lovely surprise I got today when I checked our letterbox - the most gorgeous 
Lindi Kingi sent me a bracelet from her new range. She knows how much I love her jewellery (check out my previous posting). Thanks Lindi, you made my day, I LOVE it! This bracelet is a beautiful pink/red, but they also come in purple, turquoise, blue & green!

I was quite proud of my amateur photography effort, but if you want to see some amazing professional photographs check out Vela Images - they are responsible for one of Lindi's latest photo shoots - so clever.

PS: I'm hopping on a plane to Wellington tomorrow morning for my Girl's Weekend - so excited! I'm not sure if I will have access to a computer down there, so if you don't hear from me, don't worry, I will be back soon with news of all the fab shops I've visited.